I Dont Want You To Like This I Want You To DO This

Browsing Facebook has brought me to the conclusion that we are a generation of likers.
Heres how we can DO.
Today a movement can be associated by something as frivolous as a #hashtag. A few words on a screen tweeted and then gone viral now pass for change and impact. As a blogger and writer I cant much scoff at the power of social media because it is one of the most engaging tools we can use to reach an audience. But what I also see is a whole flock of people today who assume that only tagging a photo, liking or commenting on a post and re-sharing a meme constitutes serving a civil duty.

Feeling warm and fuzzy about a post on abandoned animals might satisfy your own heart,
but your impact reach with quadruple in size if you actually pick up the phone
and call an animal shelter to see how you can help.

Here are 26 ways you can impact your community in real life, today:

  1. Mentor someone younger from your church, neighborhood, alma mater or family.
  2. Buy a case of water, packs of blankets or socks in bulk and pass them out to homeless people on the street.
  3. If you are an entrepreneur or own a business offer modestly paying tasks, jobs or apprenticeships to kids who may need some motivation.
  4. Ask your local cafe or grocery store if they allow pending orders (orders of food or items you can purchase ahead of time and leave with the vendor so that people of need can come and collect them).
  5. Find out what black organizations exist in your community and JOIN THEM.
  6. Explain homelessness to your child instead of avoiding eye contact.
  7. Find out what initiatives or propositions are being fought for in your community and support the cause.
  8. Contact local elder care communities and tell them youd like to come and read to some of their tenants.
  9. Know a single mother? Offer to help her out with her kids for an afternoon so she can get a break and relax on her own.
  10. If you are a stay-a-home mother, offer help a working mother by picking up groceries or things she needs while you run your errands.
  11. Start a support group for recent high school graduates who dont know where to start their college journey.
  12. Take a trash bag and some garden gloves and discard the litter in your neighborhood.
  13. Offer to pick up groceries or medication for an elderly person in your neighborhood.
  14. Call a meeting of the like minds you keep connecting with on Facebook (in-person or video chat) and put your heads together about affecting change.
  15. Musical? Display your talent in a public area which may not typically have street performers (dont expect donations).
  16. Make a list of the goods available in your community which are most harmful and commit to no longer purchasing them.
  17. Pick up essentials (toothbrushes, combs, shampoo etc) and put care packages together for the local homeless.
  18. Cleaning out your garage? Contact the non-profits in your area and ask what they can use either for their own office or for their cause.
  19. Before (or after) your holiday celebration commit to helping out at nearby shelters to lend a hand (bring the family)
  20. Skillshare! Post your skill set to Facebook and offer to help train anyone interested in learning a new skill.
  21. Drop off your childs no-longer-played-with toys and books to the childrens cancer ward in your area.
  22. Start a community garden effort in your neighborhood.
  23. Volunteer your time to a local animal shelter (bring your kids).
  24. Live in the Suburbs? Start a carpool in your neighborhood for people who have similar commutes.
  25. Skip the car and take the bus, bring your child expose them to their community.
  26. Post a message to Facebook offering a shoulder to anyone who might need to talk depression and anxiety likely exists among your group of friends.

Not Sure Where to Start? Here Are Some Resources That Might Help:

Search For Non-Profits in Your Area

Locate Animal Shelters

Facts About Homeless Teens

Find Nearby ElderCare Facilities

Greater Sacramento Urban League

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